Friday, 30 July 2010

Joyous News: Film to be set in Kings Heath

After last years grime-musical '1Day' which aided the already negative views of Birmingham even further, it seemed as if Birmingham would never be able to claw its way out of the industrialised image it has obtained over decades. Adding to this, over the years, whenever a piece of media media wants to portray a unintelligent character they use a Brummie accent to put this across. The new subway sandwich advert, for example, implements a Birmingham speaker when they make clear that they don't need a flashy voice over to sell their meals. Surely this shouldn't be happening to our second city?

Fear not, it seems another film is being set in Birmingham (WOW that's almost two in two years) and whats more there's a scene filmed at everybody's favourite newly refurbished establishment, The Hare and Hounds!

WOWZA! Its soooOoooOOooooo gonna put Kings Heath on the map and become CHILL BRO central (UK edition)

Here's a clip of them in rehearsals for the film:

I'm hoping the guy in the lame white shades is being ironic otherwise it would be more appropriate if the film was titled "graduate neeks go wild in Brum".

The film however is called 'Turbulence' which again could be bordering on irony as Turbulent this film looks not.

A question should be raised here as to why another musical is being set in Birms. Is it because our accents are so melodious that it is the perfect setting for a sing-along? If so why weren't Grease or Glee set here? That would have been outta control. Well in a jokey 'this is still shit' kinda way. Oh well.

The film could be a sweet success, who knows?

What would Nick Owen say?

He'd probably say "this is gon' put Brummingam on the tha map, yo" or something to that effect.

We'll just have to wait to see if yet another piece of media shits on Birmingham.

Now watch this

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Film Review: Toy Story 3

Upon the release of 2006's 'Cars', there was a certain degree of worry amongst Pixar fans that the company would churn out a miss or two from time to time. This would be a worry if it were a truism as anyone who has seen 'Up' will tell you, it was one of the most emotive films ever put to screen. A few deep breaths were needed in the first five minutes to ensure I wouldnt well up like the chubby middle aged (apparently self aware) man that was sitting in the row in front. Weirdly still, the children in the cinema were just chilling back enjoying the nice 3D images and not really taking in the story of a love lost coupled with the concept of ageing alone. Oh lard. In a similar vein, I find it weird that the Toy Story franchise that consists of characters in the form of animated toys can bring out my sentimental sensibilities. This could be an explanation as to why the series thus far has been so successful.

The third instalment begins with a now 17 year old Andy who's primary focus is preparing for college and not playing with his toys. Things go from bad to worse when his mother mistakenly takes them to 'Sunnyside Daycare' - a nursery where owner-less toys go to retire. Andy's toys appear to have a warm welcome with an old timer Teddy bear 'Lotso' moving them into the playroom that has the youngest children. It all seems too perfect until they soon discover that there is a nazi-esque hierarchy controlling everyone but those at the top of the pile.

Upon joining the disgustingly evil Disney corporation, Pixar demanded that they would only agree to make sequels if the storyline was exceptional and not just a cash-in that would ruin its reputation. The good news is, it is a great sequel and a perfect ending to the series.

The new characters such as Lotso (Ned Beatty), a Ken doll (Michael Keaton) who repeatedly reiterates that he is not a girls toy and an English (classically trained) stuffed hedgehog (Timothy Dalton) are just a few of the new faces that appear in the film. The brilliance of Pixar adding new additions to the plot are that that they are are fully formed without detracting from the characters we have grown up to love.

The plot is fresh and exciting with laughs aplenty - Buzz Lightyear's Latino turn is definitely a key moment of hilarity. Conversely, the penultimate scene moves into more a darker territory, where the setting is of a hellish metal incinerator. I don't know how Pixar do it, even if Daniel Day Lewis was replaced in the scene, I doubt it would have conjured such emotion in the audience.

Toy Story 3 is a triumph in animated film making and a sensational way to end it all. Each scene is delicately detailed and looks astonishing (take note James Cameron you waste of time and money). The plot is focussed and doesn't cheapen itself with lame gags (take note James Cameron) and is definitely one of this years most thoroughly enjoyable films (again, take note James Cameron).

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Film Review: Splice

There comes a time in a individual's life when one must conduct oneself's manner where it will be beneficial to a group. I believe John Stuart Mill touched upon this when he sorta came up with Utilitarianism. However, not even Mill could have foreseen the horror that is the recently released Sci Fi non epic, ‘Splice’.

The initial plan was to see Toy Story 3. The first two were sweet and the final would pretty much round up my adolescence and allow me to begin my progression into manhood. However a member of the party had already seen it and begged us not to go. Being the kind hearted bro I am. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt as Academy Award winner Adrien “awesome nose” Brody was in it. How bad could this film be?

In short: fuckin’ shit.

I waltzed into the cinema with a tray of nachos and an air of appreciation for Brody’s contribution to The Darjeeling Limited. As always the Cineworld staff seemed to be a bit unrelentingly tight-fisted with the amount of salsa that they administered. On any other night that would be a bad thing. However the opening scene consisted of a large organism that wriggled around like an autonomous ball bag. The beast named ‘Ginger’ then began to commence some bizarre courtship with it’s male equivalent - I should have known this film was not gonna be nacho friendly.

These organisms had been spliced together from different types of animal DNA. Hence the title. LOL. The culprits playing God here are allegedly supposed to be rockstar scientists and are more then just some crusty bio-chemists that examine sheep shit. So cool, in fact, they feature on the front cover of ‘Wired’ magazine and Brody, who surprisingly plays the lead male scientist, wears sweet indie waist-coasts, plays cheese metal in his lab and occasionally gives the ‘horn’ gesture to his other rock’n’roll lovin’ colleagues. All this sounds pretty rad? Sure, maybe ten years ago when I liked Limp Bizkit.

The film descends into madness from here on in. The female lead, played by a budget Julianne Moore, uses her own DNA (illegally) and splices it with other animals to create a super organism. The claim is it could benefit the human race and end diseases. After a while, the creature begins to look more and more human if you ignore the Minotaur style bottom half, the far apart and bulbous eyes, long tail that has a sharp prick that protrudes from the end and of course, wings. Following that a sexual tension begins to develop between her and Brody but he wouldn’t ever agree to a sex scene with an adolescent CGI creature, surely?

Oh gosh, yes he does. Probably one of the most horrific scenes put to screen by man.

Presumably, at the glitzy premier, Brody brought with him his salary that he earnt to ‘act’ in Splice in a snazzy briefcase and counted his cash during the film so he didn’t have to witness the horror of what his career has become. I think he probably sped up his number crunching during the pivotal sex scene through a wincing face.

The best moment of the film is of course when he obviously gets caught by his lover/scientific partner: the smart price version of Julianne Moore. Seeing as her DNA is in the creature, he could have at least said that he was attracted to that side of the animal but really, deep down, she knows he just really wanted to bone a bald chick.

I will not spoil the ending as the ending spoils itself. Download it for a laugh, do not pay for it. If ever there is a discrepancy over seeing a sweet Pixar film involving toys that come alive with jovial consequences and some freaky half baked, badly acted Sci Fi cheesefest, I like to think most would make the right judgement.